A little history


My name is Megan Torres and I’m what I call a creative dreamer.

Since I was a young girl I have been a bit of what one would call a photography enthusiast. I’ve always been drawn to layering and composition in graffiti, book, tattoos, magazines, and architectural renderings – there’s just something about the algorithm of colors, shapes, faces, and light coming together in perfect harmony that I find irrevocably fascinating. I feel blessed to have the gift to see the world in this way.

I have always believed that the best photos are the ones that hard to look away from. The kind that catch your eye and make you want to study every tiny pixel and when you think you’ve seen it all – you have to look back once more just to make sure you didn’t miss anything. Those are the kinds of photos I strive to take every day and not just for the TFA family ( you our clients) – and myself ha ha– but to share with the world photos that are engaging, compelling, and over all worthy of displaying proudly in your home.

What I loved photographing when I was first placed a camera in my hands was graffiti and abandonment. I was handed my mother’s Cannon AE-1 35mm at about the age of six. I begged her and begged her for ages it seemed for her to let me not play with it but use it – once it was in my hands and my eye in the view finder I never looked back. I took pictures of everything and everyone from the graffiti in a shady part of Dallas, Notre Dame Cathedral in France, and even in the old Hissom buildings nothing was off limits.

What I mostly loved about photographing abandonment is that the beauty is truly in the things that are otherwise forgotten. As I have grown my skills in the craft I have become immensely filled with the beauty people can bring a photograph. People are so interesting and I love capturing their essence on film; my goal in this adventure is to convey your feelings, thoughts, emotions – real and raw- and preserve them forever in a photograph –or as I like to call it an unexpirable ticket to a moment otherwise lost between the many other moments in your life.

You know what I’m talking about. That twinkle of deep affection in a fathers eyes as he looks to his partner holding their firstborn, the calm and serenity that overcomes an expecting woman as she gently touches her swollen belly, the heat between a newly engaged couple who can’t seem to stop staring at each other; that we all find ridiculously disgusting only because we lack that intense raw feeling in that moment ourselves.

The commanding presence of a high school senior who’s posing with enough confidence for their entire graduating class, or that ounce of mischief in a brothers sly grin as he looks up at his older sister, and the unbreakable bond that will forever hold things together – that is why I do what I love – creating masterpieces and let you realize and see for yourselves the fine works of art we are.

your photographer


The Monumental Moments that tell YOUR Story.


What makes me different?