Gracias por estar aqui con nosotros.
Thank you for being here with us.

Tulsa International Airport
Portrait Special!

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Your contribution makes all the difference.

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Send us your donation to our Non-profit today.
Tu contribución marca la diferencia.

¿Buscas otras formas de apoyar a Tierra Mestiza?

Envíe su donación a nuestra organización no lucrativa hoy mismo.

Ballet Folklorico Tierra Mestiza
Tulsa, Oklahoma

Ganas, Gritos, y Diversidad

  • Looking for entertainment?

    Hire our non-profit for your next event.

    We love to get out in our community and yours. We are a donation based non-profit and would love to be at your next event. Inquire below with your information and we will get back with you soon.


    Contrate a nuestra organización sin fines de lucro para su próximo evento.

    Nos encanta salir a nuestra comunidad y a la suya. Somos una organización sin fines de lucro basada en donaciones y nos encantaría estar en su próximo evento.

    Si desea, puede compartir su información y nos pondremos en contacto con usted pronto.

  • Our Director

    Rafael Espitia-Jasso


    Heart and Soul

    If the every day work we do in the studio is the heart of our group,
    the works we perform are certainly it’s soul.
    They determine who we are,
    what we are about, and
    who we are going to be in the future.

    The passage above is something Rafael has been inspired by for as long as we can remember and something he says at the start of all performances.

    Rafa has inspired many who have been in his group and continues to do so though his dance.


    Corazón y alma

    Si el trabajo diario que realizamos en el estudio es el corazón de nuestro grupo, las obras que interpretamos son sin duda su alma: determinan quiénes somos, de donde venimos y quiénes seremos en el futuro.

    El pasaje anterior es algo en lo que Rafael se ha inspirado desde que tenemos memoria y algo que dice al comienzo de todas las actuaciones.

    Rafa ha inspirado a muchos de los que han estado en su grupo y sigue haciéndolo a través de su danza.

  • Histora Entre Bailando | History through Dance

    Tierra Mestiza X Torres Fine Art

    Present: Historia Entre Bailando
    A collaboration between life long member Megan Torres and Tierra Mestiza to preserve and enrich with culture, imagery, and text the representation of dance.

    This project is ongoing.

    Opening Pieces showing at Tulsa International Airport from January 19, 2023 - 2024


    Tierra Mestiza y Torres Fine Art Presentan: Historia Entre Baile y fotografia, Una colaboración entre la alumna Megan Torres y Tierra Mestiza para preservar y enriquecer la cultura, a travez de texto e imagenes de la representación de la danza.

    Este proyecto está en curso.

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2023 at TU

Our Current place of practice

Our current place of practice is at the church of St. Pius X in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Our current practice time is TUESDAY from 7:00pm - 9:00pm.

Everyone and anyone is welcome to join of all ages. We always need boys and men to dance as well so if you know someone don’t shy away from enriching yourselves in the diverse Latin American dances we perform!

Although not required we do ask our dancers to contribute $10 a month donation, these donations go towards hair, shoes, bloomers, costumes, our PA systems and more!

Actualmente practicamos en la iglesia de San Pío X en Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Nuestro horario de práctica actual es el MARTES de 7:00pm - 9:00pm.

Todo el mundo y cualquier persona es bienvenida a unirse de todas las edades. Siempre necesitamos niños y hombres que bailen también, así que si conoces a alguien no dejes de enriquecerte con los diversos bailes latinoamericanos que realizamos.

Aunque no es obligatorio, pedimos a nuestros bailarines que contribuyan con una donación de 10 dólares al mes, estas donaciones se destinan a la compra de pelo, zapatos, bombachos, trajes, nuestros sistemas de megafonía y mucho más.

This group provided me with stability and structure when my family didn’t. I am so grateful to have been a part of Tierra Mestiza
— Former Member
Doing Ballet Folklorico and being in the group has allowed me to learn more about myself that I did not know before and it also provides me with a retreat from my stress and worries. It taught me to let loose and be present in the moment, along with noticing the small details in life.
— Current Member
This group has helped shape my way of being and I couldn’t be more happy with the person I have become, people I have met, and goals I have reached because of it.
— Current Member